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Asian Perinatal Wellbeing Workshop


Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Waitematā (previously Waitematā DHB) has been delivering a pilot project 'Healthy Mother Healthy Future (HMHF) - Asian Perinatal Wellbeing Project' which is supported by the Ministry of Health (MoH) to provide very comprehensive info & support to Asian pregnant women and mothers with infants by improving their accessibility to relevant services for their emotional wellbeing.


As many as one-in-five women experience anxiety, depression or both at some stage during their pregnancy or after the baby is born. One-in-ten partners also experience similar emotional distress. Please join us in a workshop and learn some useful tips on self-care and stress-management during these challenging times.


Workshop for Indian/South Asian women and their family

  • When : 15 Sep 2022  10am to 12noon
  • Where : Fickling Centre, 546 Three Kings, Auckland 
  • Speakers :  Dr Deepika Arora (Gynaecologist, Te Whatu Ora Waitematā)

                         Dr Boris Arora (Medical officer Psychiatry, Te Whatu Ora Waitematā)




Workshop for Filipino women and their family


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