News & Updates

News & Updates

Waitematā District Health Board’s Asian Health Services warmly invites you and your family members to participate in our Community Health Seminar. This free seminar will be delivered in Korean.


  • Older peoples Depression & Anxiety
  • Safer Community & Safer Home


Waitematā DHB’s sustainability team will put an information stall on that day

Please see the attachment for more info.

The Electoral Commission is looking for Volunteer Community Navigators who can work with us to achieve a good voting turnout for the 2020 General Elections.

Please see the attachment for more info.

Waitematā DHB will have two cultural workshops to share knowledge about our culturally and religiously diverse community.

The speakers will talk about cultural values related to Muslims and former refugees, their physical and psychological traumas and how we can work together effectively.

This programme is supported by Te Pou and Asian Health Services (Waitematā DHB) as part of a workforce development project in 2019-20.  

Please see the attachment for more info.

Asian Health Week gives Waitematā DHB the opportunity to promote and celebrate the health & wellbeing of our Asian community.

Asian Health Week

Various activities and health workshops will be hosted by Asian Health Services at the North Shore and Waitakere hospitals from Monday, 9 September to Friday, 13 September and we extend a warm invitation to everyone to join in.

Attached is a calendar of events – as well as some additional information about the workshops and the various presenters who have kindly agreed to lead them. There is something here for everyone and it would be appreciated if you could please share the information within your network of contacts.


Click here for a calendar of events and here to find out more about the facilitator and presenters who will lead them.


Life is full of ups and downs and sometimes we struggle to cope. This workshop is designed to give you some of the skills we all need from time to time to get through some of the tougher days.

It might also help you understand the issues your friends and family are working through and how you can help.

Date & Time: 3rd September 2019   6:30pm-8:30pm

Venue: Raye Freedman Arts Centre, Epsom Girls Grammar School


Click here for more information.



Asian Health Week Seminar: Overview of Presentations and Evaluation Report

Asian Health Week: Overview and Evaluation ReportThe Waitemata DHB Asian Health Week held from 17th to 21st August 2015 showcased the latest research and information on the health status of Asian populations in New Zealand; as well as advances in preparing a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) culturally competent workforce nation-wide.

Topics covered during the seminar included the latest research and service development models in the areas of:

  • Asian Health Research - trends over the last decade

  • CVD/Diabetes in Asian populations

  • Lifestyles and Asian populations - smokefree; nutrition and physical activity

  • Asian mental health

  • Health of older Asian people

  • Disability in Asian populations

  • Asian refugee population health

  • Workforce development

Overall we had 123 attendees provide feedback and results showed a mean of 95% either agreed or strongly agreed that the seminar met their expectations with helpful content, enhanced and improved their knowledge. Attendees also reported that they had gained a good understanding of the subjects presented. In addition to written feedback, the seminar organisers received considerable verbal feedback from participants that the seminar was highly informative; stimulating and presented innovative models of care.

CALD Cultural Competency Courses are going national on 28th August 2015

eCALD flyer We are pleased to announce that all District Health Boards' workforces will be eligible to access free CALD cultural competency online and Auckland-based face-to-face courses from 28th August 2015.

eCALDTM provides a range of line and face-to-face training courses for the New Zealand health workforce to develop CALD cultural competencies. View our eCALDTM flyer.

eCALDTM courses and resources are developed and managed by Waitemata DHB and funded by the Ministry of Health via the Northern Regional Alliance Ltd.

For further information about courses and resources, eligibility, cost and registration details please visit


Our Asian Health Week Seminar from 17th - 21st August 2015 focuses on "The Health of Asian Populations in New Zealand"

Asian Health Week SeminarThe seminar provides an overview of the research that has been conducted in the area of Asian Health in New Zealand by leading academics and clinical leaders. Speakers will be presenting evidence-based models of care for working with Asian health consumers and their families in a range of settings including inpatient, mental health, child health, disability and health of older people services.

Asian workforce development is also a key focus over the week including supporting managers, teams and practitioners who work in culturally diverse teams and with culturally diverse populations. The seminars will include panel discussions in a conference style setting.

View programme and to book for a seminar...

Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony will be held at 10am on Monday 17th August and will include the official launch of the national roll-out of the eCALDTM cultural competency courses going national on 28th August 2015. We are also officially launching the new eCALDTM website
