News & Updates

News & Updates


Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Waitematā (previously Waitematā DHB) has been delivering a pilot project 'Healthy Mother Healthy Future (HMHF) - Asian Perinatal Wellbeing Project' which is supported by the Ministry of Health (MoH) to provide very comprehensive info & support to Asian pregnant women and mothers with infants by improving their accessibility to relevant services for their emotional wellbeing.


As many as one-in-five women experience anxiety, depression or both at some stage during their pregnancy or after the baby is born. One-in-ten partners also experience similar emotional distress. Please join us in a workshop and learn some useful tips on self-care and stress-management during these challenging times.


Workshop for Indian/South Asian women and their family

  • When : 15 Sep 2022  10am to 12noon
  • Where : Fickling Centre, 546 Three Kings, Auckland 
  • Speakers :  Dr Deepika Arora (Gynaecologist, Te Whatu Ora Waitematā)

                         Dr Boris Arora (Medical officer Psychiatry, Te Whatu Ora Waitematā)




Workshop for Filipino women and their family





Waitematā DHB Asian Health Services (AHS) is introducing a pilot project ‘Healthy Mother Healthy Future (HMHF) - Asian Perinatal Wellbeing Project 2022’. This project is supported by the Ministry of Health (MoH) with the goal of supporting the emotional wellbeing of pregnant Asian women, and mothers with infants by improving their accessibility to relevant services and information.

Your Emotional Wellbeing and Beyond” booklet was developed by the maternity service (WDHB) to support pregnant women and mothers and it was translated with clinical & cultural reviews by Asian Mental Health Service, Asian Patient Support Service and  WATIS (Waitemata Translation & Interpreting service) as well as Asian/ethnic consumer reviews.

The wonderful booklet is now available in multiple languages - English, Simplified 中文, Traditional 中文, 한국어 , Hindi, Tagalog, Pashtu, Urdu, Japanese, Thai, Arabic, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Burmese



You can get a free flu vaccination now if you are:

✓ 65 years and older

✓ Pregnant

✓ Living with a long term health condition like asthma, diabetes, or heart disease.

For more information visit or speak to your doctor or pharmacist

A special community immunity event on Saturday 30 April – you can get  Free vaccinations 

incl. COVID-19 Vaccine, COVID-19 Booster & Flu Vaccine

Please contact Asian Health Line 0800 88 88 30 for more info. The event posters are available in English, 中文, & 한국어



Mental Health Workshops for health professionals, stakeholders and interpreters      

Date & time  30 March 2022, 10am to 11:30am & 2 June 2022, 12noon to 1:30pm

Topic              Assessment & Management of Perinatal Depression in Asian Women

Speaker         Dr Aram Kim (Consultant Psychiatrist)

Zoom ID

On-line Registration  or QR code in the flyer


Please see the attached flyer for more details.




Waitematā DHB would like to introduce a new project 'Healthy Mother Healthy Future (HMHF) - Asian Perinatal Wellbeing Project' which is supported by the Ministry of Health (MoH) to provide very comprehensive info & support to Asian pregnant women and mothers with infants by improving their accessibility to relevant services for their emotional wellbeing.


This project aims to improve Asian perinatal psychological wellbeing outcomes through collaborative efforts on strengthening the referral pathways, improving health literacy and emotional wellbeing awareness during the COVID19 pandemic period, and promoting early help-seeking and intervention by providing relevant workshops, counselling and practical social support.


It would be appreciated if you can share this flyer via your network (incl. GPs, Maternity/Women's health service providers & community services etc.)


Please see attachments - HMHF Flyer (in English, 中文, Hindi & 한국어) for the community.



Asian Health Services (AHS)'s Asian Health Line (0800 88 88 30) can support people who face barriers accessing NZ health services and COVID-19 vaccination info and support (incl. Booster shot and vaccination for children aged 5-11 years old).

This flyer is available in English, Simplified 中文, Traditional 中文, Hindi, 한국어 , Tagalog, Thai, Pashtu, Urdu, Vietnamese and Japanese.


Free COVID-19 vaccination support is available for ethnic communities.



  • Language support
  • Help with individual or group bookings
  • Guidance on local vaccination centres
  • Information on getting your COVID-19 vaccination

Please see the attachment for more info.


Asian Health Services (AHS)’s iCare Health Information Line (0800 88 88 30) can support people who face barriers accessing NZ health services including getting the COVID-19 vaccination.


Attached are 中文 & 한국어 posters for your info (and English version).



Ethnic people who have not yet vaccinated, they can join this vaccination opportunity at RASNZ in Mt Roskill

Please see more info in the poster attached. You can walk-in, no ID required.

Breast Screening Auckland Central (BSAC) and Waitematā DHB's Asian Health Services are working together to support Asian Women for their regular mammogram. The Asian Health Services Mandarin, Cantonese & Korean speaking staff directly enrol women in the free national BreastScreen Aotearoa programme, and Chinese and Korean group clinics are held three times a week at the new BSAC service, 308 Great South Road, to provide cultural and interpreting support.

Attached are 中文 & 한국어 posters for your info (and English version).