Asian and Ethnic Populations in Aotearoa
Based on Estimated Resident (ER) population figures for 2021, Asian communities in the Northern Region made up 64% of the Aotearoa NZ Asian population, and 28% of the total population in the Northern Region1.
According to Statistics New Zealand, Asian peoples are projected to cross the 1 million mark between 2024 and 2027. All ethnic group populations of Aotearoa are expected to grow in number, but the broad Asian ethnic group is expected to see the fastest growth to 26 per cent of the population by 2043, up from 16 per cent in 20182.

Data from StatsNZ: National ethnic population projections: 2018(base) –2043 · Created with Datawrapper
Asian people are very diverse in language, culture, health/digital literacy, faith, settlement history and health needs. Although some progress has been made by key proponents in the Asian Health space, there is a critical need for significant improvements in how the differing health profiles of the Asian communities are acknowledged and served by the healthcare system. A high-performing national-regional-local unified Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin American and African (MELAA) & Ethnic Health Service Model is recommended to support the Asian and ethnic population to maximise their health and wellbeing.
1. Patel M, Jaung R, Winnard D, Papaconstantinou D, Ameratunga S (2022) Demography of Asian Communities living in the rohe of the Northern Region District Health Boards.
2. accessed on 18 May 2022